This autumn, the “Hotel of Change” opens its doors! The guests? Activists — those among us who go above and beyond in caring for our society, while often neglecting their own needs. The “Hotel of Change” is a wellness oasis right in the middle of town. Here it is seen to that the guests are well-taken care of, that they may recharge their batteries and form fresh a perspective on the causes they have dedicated themselves to.
Uniting Tübingen’s citizens with Hungarian performers on stage, this marks STEREO AKT’s return to the ITZ since their first work here in 2019. In their new documentary stage production, STEREO AKT open a fictional facility where they discuss the conflicts and contradictions that riddle activism. “Hotel of Change” is about personal struggle and experience, about the complex mechanisms of our society, political change and about hope. Most importantly, it is about the daring individuals without whom our world would probably turn a whole lot slower.
Here you find an Interview with director Martin Boross and dramaturg Gabor Thury!
Stage Technicians Thomas Mulot, Stefan Pfeffer, Lukas Bross
“Hotel of Change is human, has fire, a heart for revolution and the courage to stand up for drastic change and not to accept the world as it is. With its elegant staging, the play gives voice to left-wing realities of life that otherwise often only find a place in Tübingen housing project kitchens.”
Tobias Hauser, Schwäbisches Tagblatt
“In general, a seriousness characterized by curiosity and empathy prevails, which leads to the hotel guests [the activists] really opening up – at the hotel bar, in the elevator, while gardening, during relaxation exercises or in discussion groups. (…) The empathy emanating from the theatermakers carries the evening. The connection between art and activism becomes clear.”
Christoph Ströhle, GEA
Hungarian Team
creative speakers:
László Göndör, Máté Martinkovics, Emina Messaoudi, Veronika Szabó
and six activists from Budapest:
Jutka Bari (social justice),
Rebeka Dóra Kajos (women’s rights),
Vera Kovács (housing),
Lóczi Csenge (sustainability),
Csaba Márton Gábor (inclusion, awareness-raising, LGBTQ, people with disabilities, social circus),
Katalin Törley (education)
visuals by Raissa Kankelfitz
music, sound design: Márk Bartha, Tara Khozein
light and video design: Bredán Máté
Technical assistant: Tibor Kiefer
dramaturg trainee: Boglárka Hidi
Production manager: Zsuzsanna Balogh
producer: Dániel Mayer
Dramaturge: Bíró Bence Dániel Dániel Dánieler
Concept by Martin Boross and Gábor Thury
Director: Martin Boross
ITZ – Zimmertheater Tübingen, Trafó – House of Contemporary Arts, Budapest Spring Festival